Auto Electrical Specialists

Heavy Duty, Commercial and Passenger Vehicles

Auto Electricians Gauteng | Auto Electrical Specialists in Gauteng

For Auto Electrical Excellence we use the latest equipment & technology

We use our scanning tools to detect electronic faults for most makes & models.

XPRO3 Diagnostic Tool

We use the latest version of the XPRO3 Diagnostic machine in fault finding. Technological advances has made much of our work automated which greatly reduces downtimes and labour costs to you, our valued customer.
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Francois Auto Electrician Par Excellence

Injector Coding & Computer Box Programming

To make sure your truck doesn't skip a heartbeat and is back on the road in no time.

Read more about our specialization on Injector coding & computer box programming

Within an hour you'll be back on the road with injector coding. Talk to our technician about computer box programming.
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Our auto electricians have 26 years unmatched experience

We regularly attend courses to keep up to date with the next generation technology.


Obtain our latest certificates. Red Seal Qualified (Olifantsfontein) Please email us for more detail.
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Auto Electrical Fleet Management

Fleet Management

Coming from 11 years experience in running Imperial's logistics fleet focusing on preventative maintenance to avoid downtime.

Fleet management

Downtime is an absolute "no-go" in any fleet application. We will do a full-on, comprehensive, assessment on your fleet to find the correct preventative maintenance schedule ensuring you will stay safely on the road, NON-STOP!
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auto electricans for agricultural equipment


Tractors & all kinds of farming vehicles.

Tractors & farming equipment

We repair your starters, alternators and wiring to assure there is no hiccups when the busy season starts.
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CAT auto electrical specialist


Earthmoving Equipment.

Excavators, front-end loaders, etc.

Get a quote for your alternators , starters and diagnostics related services.
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Electrical Expert

Francois Nel 74 Awards

Franyo is bringing you 26 years of unmatched experience in the Auto Electrical field.
Courtesy of much acclaimed Francois Nel.

Cars, Trucks, Starters, Alternators Repaired

Our Services

Electrical Fault Finding

The broad and wide knowledge gained in the years in the trade, gives us the edge to pin-point the root of the cause combined with state-of-the-art diagnostics equipment.

Alternator repairs and replacement

Bring in your alternator to do a quote on repairs, or get a new one with full-on warranty.

Starter motors repairs and replacement

Talk to us about the general service on your assets before it lets you down or you don't have a helping hand.

EFI and ignition systems repairs

Depending on your need a technician will put you on the right track for costing and repairs.

Wiring repairs to Trucks, Cars, etc.

We analyse the root cause of all wiring problems, eliminate and repair back to OEM standards.

Tools and Workshop Equipment Sales

We are authorized agents for King Tony Tools & Micro-Tec Equipment. Tell us what you need and we will source it for you.



Franyo Auto Electrical. Par Excellence.


We pride ourselves in a lifetime of Service Excellence.
Our professional commitment to you:

“Doing it right the first time.”
-Francois Nel, CEO, Franyo Projects (Pty) Ltd